Kinsmen Arena Ice Systems Upgrades

In October 2019, an Indoor Recreation Facility Master Plan was presented to City Council, where a recommendation to replace the Kinsmen Arena by adding a second ice surface to the Gallagher Centre was made. Council authorized Administration to continue planning the Kinsmen Arena replacement at the Gallagher Centre, known as the Gallagher Centre Renewal Project.

In April 2021, a presentation was made at a Council Committee of the Whole meeting to inform discussions regarding the Gallagher Centre Renewal Project. Council formally passed a motion to get a more detailed assessment and costing on repairing the mechanical/building systems for both the Kinsmen Arena and the Westland Arena. The intent was to obtain a consultant opinion of the condition and cost estimated to ensure that the ice plant and related mechanical/building systems could support ice for the next 15 years. Detailed information and project timelines related to the Kinsmen Arena Ice Systems Upgrades can also be found on the Westland Arena Ice Plant Upgrades Project page.

During the summer and fall of 2021, Administration engaged the following consultants to complete an assessment of the various components that support ice mating and maintenance at the Kinsmen Arena:

  1. Strong Refrigeration – to conduct an assessment of the refrigeration plant and related components, and provide recommendations for improvements to ensure continued use of the Kinsmen Arena, as an ice arena.
  2. BST Consulting – to conduct an assessment of the arena slab floor, header pipe and trench to assess the overall condition of the slab, and to provide recommendations on repairs or replacement.
  3. Strong Refrigeration – to determine the ventilation and dehumidification requirements needed to ensure both human safety and facility structure sustainability.

In November 2021, the assessment reports completed by the consultants were provided to City Council. Council deferred a decision on moving forward with upgrades to the ice systems at the Kinsmen Arena to the 2022 budget discussions.

In February 2022, City Council approved the 2022 and 2023 capital budgets, which included the upgrades to the Kinsmen Arena Ice systems as follows:

Kinsmen Arena $2,775,000
Remove concrete slab/arena boards/piping & thaw/remove/replace soils
New Arena Boards and Glass
Code and Ice plant upgrades

In October 2019, an Indoor Recreation Facility Master Plan was presented to City Council, where a recommendation to replace the Kinsmen Arena by adding a second ice surface to the Gallagher Centre was made. Council authorized Administration to continue planning the Kinsmen Arena replacement at the Gallagher Centre, known as the Gallagher Centre Renewal Project.

In April 2021, a presentation was made at a Council Committee of the Whole meeting to inform discussions regarding the Gallagher Centre Renewal Project. Council formally passed a motion to get a more detailed assessment and costing on repairing the mechanical/building systems for both the Kinsmen Arena and the Westland Arena. The intent was to obtain a consultant opinion of the condition and cost estimated to ensure that the ice plant and related mechanical/building systems could support ice for the next 15 years. Detailed information and project timelines related to the Kinsmen Arena Ice Systems Upgrades can also be found on the Westland Arena Ice Plant Upgrades Project page.

During the summer and fall of 2021, Administration engaged the following consultants to complete an assessment of the various components that support ice mating and maintenance at the Kinsmen Arena:

  1. Strong Refrigeration – to conduct an assessment of the refrigeration plant and related components, and provide recommendations for improvements to ensure continued use of the Kinsmen Arena, as an ice arena.
  2. BST Consulting – to conduct an assessment of the arena slab floor, header pipe and trench to assess the overall condition of the slab, and to provide recommendations on repairs or replacement.
  3. Strong Refrigeration – to determine the ventilation and dehumidification requirements needed to ensure both human safety and facility structure sustainability.

In November 2021, the assessment reports completed by the consultants were provided to City Council. Council deferred a decision on moving forward with upgrades to the ice systems at the Kinsmen Arena to the 2022 budget discussions.

In February 2022, City Council approved the 2022 and 2023 capital budgets, which included the upgrades to the Kinsmen Arena Ice systems as follows:

Kinsmen Arena $2,775,000
Remove concrete slab/arena boards/piping & thaw/remove/replace soils
New Arena Boards and Glass
Code and Ice plant upgrades

  • Project Status Update

    July 29, 2024 – Project Awarded

    Following the July 8th Council meeting, the City’s project team, representatives from Alton Tangedal Architect (the project consultants) and project personnel from PCL Construction met to begin reviewing options to reduce the scope of work and overall project budget. The primary focus was on cosmetic items, including sandblasting and painting, blue room rubber flooring, protective netting, ceiling patching, and the arena sound system. Further investigation into refrigeration system adjustments, electrical and mechanical revisions, and potential changes to the dehumidification system was completed, however substantial cost savings were unable to be identified. A direct connection between the City and PCL’s internal insurance division was also made in order to explore project insurance options and costing.

    Potential changes to the project scope and budget savings was presented to Council at the July 29, 2024 Council meeting, and while approximately $130,000.00 in savings was identified it was decided to proceed with awarding the project to PCL Construction as originally tendered. As many of the proposed project changes would be required in the near future, City Council was unanimous in including these items in the overall project now, saving on future costs, down times, and potential impact to operations.

    The Kinsmen Arena Ice System Upgrades project has been awarded to PCL Construction Management Inc., with a contract cost of $3,925,615.66, including PST and excluding GST. Construction on the project is scheduled to begin in January 2025, and be completed by September 2025, in time for the start of the 2025-2026 ice season.

    The Kinsmen Arena will operate normally from September through December of 2024.

  • Project Status Update

    July 8, 2024 - Notice of Intent to Award

    Tender bids for the Kinsmen Arena Ice Systems Upgrade project were presented to City Council at the regular Council meeting on Monday, June July 8, 2024. Three bids were received, and Council has authorized Administration to proceed with issuing an “Intent to Award” notice to PCL Construction Management Inc. The Intent to Award notice allows the City and the contractor to review the project and propose revisions to the scope of work in an effort to reduce the overall project budget. A follow up report on the Kinsmen Arena Ice Systems Upgrade Project will be presented to City Council at the July 29, 2024 meeting.

  • Project Status Update

    June 13, 2024 - Project is out for Tender

    The design for the ice system upgrade has been completed and the project is currently out for tender. The tender results will be presented to City Council in July 2024. If the project is approved to proceed construction will begin in January 2025 with the goal of being completed by the start of the 2025-2026 ice season. The Kinsmen Arena will operate as normal from September through December 2024.

  • Boring for Geo-technical Sampling Complete

    supporting image

    Contractors were on site at the Kinsmen Arena on April 4, 2023 and obtained geo-technical soil samples to inform the Kinsmen Arena Ice Systems Upgrade Project. These samples will be studied to determine the soil composition underneath the rink which, will be used to determine how much excavation will be required as part of the arena slab replacement. This work involved drilling holes through the concrete floor and brine lines to gather the samples. The brine lines and concrete will be repaired this summer to allow the Kinsmen to open again for the regular 2023-2024 season.

  • Kinsmen Arena Ice Systems Upgrade

    January 2023 - Consultants Engaged

    The City is now proceeding with the Kinsmen Arena Upgrades Project, and has engaged Alton Tangedal Architect LTD from Regina to lead a team of consultants to design and coordinate the work required at the Kinsmen Arena, as approved by City Council:

    Structural Engineering: Brownlee Beaton Kreke,

    Mechanical Engineering: RJ England Consulting Ltd

    Electrical Engineering: Rittenburg and Associates Ltd

    Refrigeration Engineering: Accent Refrigeration Systems

    Geotechnical Engineering: Clifton and Associates

    February 2023 - Planning Discussion with Yorkton Minor Hockey

    Members of the City’s project team met with representatives from Yorkton Minor Hockey to begin conversations on project implementation and timelines. The Kinsmen Arena is the primary home of Yorkton Minor Hockey programming, and as such there will be significant impact to hockey programming during project construction. It is anticipated that the Kinsmen Upgrades Project could take up to 10 months to complete, and it was important that Administration and Yorkton Minor Hockey take a proactive and collaborative approach to planning the project to minimize the impact to operations to the best ability. Preferred project timelines and implementation dates were provided by Yorkton Minor Hockey and will be shared with the project consultants and further planning and project design continue.

    March/April 2023 - Geotechnical Study

    A geotechnical survey of the ground conditions underneath the arena slab is planned for April 2023, once the ice has been taken out at the end of the season. This survey will further inform the project timeline planning, as it will assist with identifying how much excavation is required as part of the arena slab replacement.

  • Kinsmen Arena Summary of History

    The following is a summary of the studies and direction related to the Kinsmen Arena Ice System Upgrades Project. Many other community and Council discussions and project team meetings took place but have not been included here.

    March 2010 - Kinsmen Arena Conceptual Planning

    Stantec Consulting completed a conceptual plan for improvements to the Kinsmen Arena which included a new lobby, renovated dressing rooms and other minor upgrades. The estimated budget was $3.5 million. Council deferred any decision until the completion of the 2020 strategic plan.

    August 17, 2011 - Kinsmen Arena Building Envelop Inspection

    Concerns regarding high levels of humidity and early ice bookings triggered an investigation into the building envelope and mechanical systems within the arena at the Kinsmen Arena. Associated Engineering conducted preliminary inspections and assessments related to mechanical systems and humidity impacts on the building.

    April 20, 2012 - Kinsmen Arena Air Quality & Asbestos Survey

    Canadian Indoor Air Quality conducted an Asbestos Survey of the Kinsmen Arena. Areas identified as containing asbestos were appropriately marked to ensure that if they were ever required to be disturbed, it would be done appropriately safe. Asbestos was also identified in the exterior wall insulation.

    June 6, 2012 - Kinsmen Arena Building Systems Assessment

    Associated Engineering completed an in-depth, visual and physical assessment of building systems in the arena (arena only). Recommendations totaling $1.14 million were provided to address the negative impact of the humidity in the arena proper.

    June 2012 - Council Direction: Kinsmen Arena 10 Year Plan

    Council directed Administration to plan for the replacement of the Kinsmen Arena so that it would be available to the public in 10 years-time and to bring forward capital projects that would ensure its use until that time.

    November 27, 2012 - Kinsmen Arena Inspection

    Associated Engineering was asked to continue their assessment and completed a multi-discipline visual inspection of the remainder of the building. The conclusion was “that the arena could be left as is, and still function as it does, however the deterioration will continue, resulting in the facility becoming sub-standard and possibly unusable.” The total estimated improvement costs (including items from June 6, 2012 above) was set at $3.1 million.

    February 14, 2013 - Kinsmen Arena Air Quality & Mold Assessment

    Canadian Indoor Air Quality conducted an Environmental Mold Assessment of the Kinsmen Arena, which showed no air quality issues, however some areas had significant contamination which required remediation. Their conclusion was that dehumidification and improvement to the exterior envelope of the building should be addressed in order to control mold growth.

    2013 - Kinsmen Arena Roof Vents Sealed

    Roof vents were sealed at the Kinsmen Arena to reduce mix of warm, humid air with cold dry air, which creates humidity concerns, as per Associated Engineering recommendation, and Council direction from 2012.

    2014 - Kinsmen Arena New Doors

    New doors installed in the arena envelope at the Kinsmen arena to reduce mix of warm, humid air with cold dry air, which creates humidity concerns, as per Associated Engineering recommendation, and Council direction, from 2012.

    2015 - Kinsmen Arena Gable End Wall Removal

    Gable end walls, which were wet and mouldy, were removed at the Kinsmen Arena and replaced and seal, as per Associated Engineering recommendation, and Council direction, from 2012.

    This was the end of the work required to meet Council’s direction from 2012 which was to plan for new facility to ready in 2022 and ensure the Kinsmen Arena could be maintained sufficiently until a new facility was ready.

    Additional significant resources were required beyond these minor improvements, however investing these resources into a deteriorating facility, and for which direction for the planning had been provided, was not a priority.

    Focus then shifted to the arena at the Gallagher Centre, due to a request by the Yorkton Terriers to modernize their dressing room facilities. This, combined with the previous direction to plan for the replacement of the Kinsmen Arena, triggered consideration of locating the Kinsmen Arena at the Gallagher Centre which resulted in the Gallagher Centre Renewal Project. Details and timelines on this project Gallagher Centre Renewal Project can be found on the News and Notices section of our website