
The City of Yorkton is committed to a fair and transparent process for purchasing goods and services. To help manage this process the City utilizes an eBidding platform, Biddingo. This page will outline the purpose of Biddingo, the e-bidding process, and other information on provincial, national, and international trade agreements that the City is required to follow.

The City of Yorkton is committed to a fair and transparent process for purchasing goods and services. To help manage this process the City utilizes an eBidding platform, Biddingo. This page will outline the purpose of Biddingo, the e-bidding process, and other information on provincial, national, and international trade agreements that the City is required to follow.

  • CCDC

    Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) develops, produces, and reviews standard construction contracts, forms, and guides.

    CCDC documents are developed transparently and collaboratively, using simple language for clarity. This fosters goodwill between parties and reduces legal concerns.

    CCDC documents easily integrate with other industry contracts, ensuring they are familiar to all parties involved. This familiarity streamlines the contracting process, promotes collaboration, and allows work to commence faster.

    Through a collaborative process, CCDC ensures all perspectives are considered, leading to fair risk allocation among parties. This builds genuine trust and consensus.

    CCDC is the sole source for recognized Canadian standard construction documents. These consensus-built, transparent, and standardized contracts provide a strong legal foundation, instilling confidence in all involved parties.

    CCDC's industry experts, including representatives from various organizations, contribute to the document creation process, ensuring a comprehensive representation of perspectives from owners, engineering companies, construction associations, architectural institutes, and legal counsel.

    The City of Yorkton commonly uses the following 3 CCDC documents:

    Stipulated Price Contract the standard agreement between the owner and the main contractor in the construction industry. It sets a fixed price for the entire project upfront. The contract covers administrative details for construction projects, including the consultant's role, procedures for changes, work by other contractors, insurance, project completion requirements, dispute resolution, early owner occupancy, and more.

    Under this contract, monthly payments are assumed based on the stipulated price, and it follows relevant provincial payment laws.

    Unit Price Contract is a standard prime contract between owner and prime contractor to perform the required work for a pre-determined, fixed amount for each specified unit of work performed. The total price is determined by multiplying the unit price by the actual, measured quantity of work performed for each specified unit.

    Contractor’s Qualification Statement is a standardized document that allows contractors to share information about their company, capabilities, skills, and experience. It covers details like company information (legal structure, finances, insurance, etc.), the qualifications and experience of key personnel, and a list of relevant past and ongoing projects.

    To learn more about CCDC documents, visit

  • Surety Bonds

    Surety bonds are financial instruments commonly used in the construction industry to provide assurance and financial protection during the bidding and execution of construction projects.

    Bid Bonds and Consent of Surety:
    Bid bonds are submitted by contractors along with their bids for construction projects. These bonds provide financial assurance to the project owner that the contractor will enter into a contract and perform the work at the bid price if selected as the winning bidder.

    A consent of surety is often used in conjunction with a Bid Bond, but sometimes on its own as well. It provides assurance to the owner of the project that the Surety company will issue the required bonds in the even the contractor is successful on the bid.

    Final Bonds:
    The required bonds under Consent of Surety are often referred to as "Final Bonds" and apply directly to the project in question. These bonds commonly include Performance Bonds as well as Labour & Material Payment Bonds.

    A performance bond guarantees that the contractor will complete the project according to the terms of the contract.

    A labour & material bond ensures that the contractor will pay subcontractors, labourers, and suppliers associated with the project.

    Surety bonds provide financial protection to the project owner in case the contractor fails to meet their contractual obligations, covering both project completion and payment to subcontractors and suppliers.

    SAC BID BOND 2021
    Standard surety bid bond form guarantees the bidder’s intention to enter into a formal contract and to provide the specified contract security if the bid is accepted.

    Standard surety performance bond form guarantees performance of the contract by the Contractor.

    Standard surety labour and material payment bond form guarantees that the Contractor will satisfy all labour and material payment obligations incurred in performing the contract.

  • Insurance Requirements

    All contractors working for the City of Yorkton will be required to carry, at a minimum, Commercial General Liability.
    Commercial general liability insurance is designed to protect a contractor from a loss if they are found legally liable for bodily injuries or property damage to a third party caused by the product they sell or the service they provide. The specific limit of liability and policy conditions may vary depending on the size and scope of the contracted work.

    Additional insurance requirements may also apply and will be outlined in the tender documents. It is important that these be reviewed by the contractor as part of the tender process to ensure a Certificate of Insurance can be provided to the City as proof of compliance.

  • WCB Letter of Good Standing

    Saskatchewan's Worker Compensation Board will issue a letter of good standing to tell the City if a contractor has a WCB account and if all the contractor’s premiums are paid. It is only valid on the day it is requested. Once a contract has been awarded and before work begins, a principal can request a letter of good standing from the WCB. The status of a contractor can change at any time.

    A Contractor is a person or business that is hired under contract by a person or business to perform work or services. A contractor is also called a subcontractor.

    For more information on Sask WCB, visit

  • Safety Program

    Certificate of Recognition (COR) is a safety management system that verifies companies have implemented a comprehensive health and safety program.

    Visit Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association for more about COR,

    The City will accept other recognized safety programs.