Outdoor Rinks

Skate into the Canadian way of winter fun!

Rules and Safety

  • City of Yorkton outdoor rinks are not supervised.
  • Users understand and acknowledge that there may be risks in using the outdoor rinks.
  • Use of protective equipment is strongly recommended.
  • Motion activated lights are on from dusk until 10:30 p.m. nightly.

All Outdoor Rinks are now closed for the season

Skate into the Canadian way of winter fun!

Rules and Safety

  • City of Yorkton outdoor rinks are not supervised.
  • Users understand and acknowledge that there may be risks in using the outdoor rinks.
  • Use of protective equipment is strongly recommended.
  • Motion activated lights are on from dusk until 10:30 p.m. nightly.

All Outdoor Rinks are now closed for the season

Discussions: All (6) Open (6)
  • Who?

    about 1 year ago

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      Who makes the outdoor ice surfaces in Yorkton?
    The Parks Division takes the lead in building and maintaining the outdoor ice surfaces in Yorkton.

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  • Where?

    about 1 year ago

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     Where are the outdoor rinks located in Yorkton?

    Heritage Heights Park
    Knights of Columbus Park
    Silver Heights Park
    Ukrainian Pioneer Park
    Weinmaster Park

      Where are the crokicurl rinks located in Yorkton?
    Silver Heights Park

      Where is the skating pathway located in Yorkton?
    Patrick Park

      Here is a map of all Yorkton's Outdoor facilities and locations

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  • When?

    about 1 year ago

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    Many communities provide outdoor skating opportunities for their residents. Each community has a different process for when they start building their rinks, how they build them, and who completes the work. Some communities build rinks on grass or sand, and others (like Yorkton) build on multi-use asphalt pads which retain more heat and will warm up faster on a bright sunny day. In Yorkton, City staff complete the work to build and maintain the ice, while other communites' rinks may be maintained by volunteers, or community and neighbourhood associations.

      When does the City start building the outdoor ice surfaces?

    Flooding begins when the daytime temperatures are consistently below -8 degrees Celsius in order for the water to freeze properly.

      When do the lights turn on?
    All lights in park spaces and outdoor recreation facilities include photocells and timers. The photocells sense the sunlight. When the photocells senses a lack of sunlight, the lights will turn on. The timers for the lights are set to shut off for the evening at 10:30 pm.

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  • Why?

    about 1 year ago

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      Why does the City of Yorkton have outdoor rinks?
    Yorkton's outdoor rinks highlight a commitment to an inclusive community, providing affordable or no-cost recreation for all. Beyond just leisure spaces, this dedication reflects a belief in accessible opportunities for physical activity and social engagement.
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  • How?

    about 1 year ago

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      How do you build outdoor rinks?

    1. Pack snow all along the bottom of the rink boards, filling in any gaps between the boards and the ground. This helps keep the water from running out under the boards during flooding.
    2. Flooding can begin once the packed snow hardens. Start by spraying a light mist over the ground, which will become the first layer of ice. Continue this process until there is a fine layer of ice.
    3. Once the base layer has been established larger hose floods with more water can be applied, allow time to freeze completely between floods.
    4. Each flood will bond with the previous layer, building strong, solid ice that is safe for skating.
    5. The rinks are considered safe for skating once 2 inches of ice has been built. Hockey nets are placed and the lights are turned on once the rinks are ready for skaters.

      How do you maintain outdoor rinks?

    1. Outdoor rinks are checked on a daily basis to ensure they remain safe for use. Staff watch for thin ice and large cracks which can pose serious safety risks if caught by a skate blade.
    2. Snow is cleared from the ice as required. This is done with equipment such as snow blowers and skid steers, and of course good old fashioned shovels. Lumps and bumps in the ice are also scrapped off as part of this process.
    3. Hose floods are typically completed twice per week, but will be altered depending on usage, weather and other priorities.

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     You can help us out by:
    1. Staying off freshly flooded rinks, allowing time for them to freeze completely before skating.
    2. Clearing the snow evenings and weekends if required. Shovels are provided for you to use and we ask that you leave the shovels at the rinks.
    3. Be respectful of others at the rink. Outdoor rinks are provided for everyone to use.
    4. If you notice any damage or safety concerns, let us know! Email us at parksandrec@yorkton.ca, call 306-786-1750, or report a concern through the City’s website at www.yorkton.ca.
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