Snow Removal 1st & 2nd Priority Streets

Starting Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 8:00am, we will be working on spot plowing of priority red streets, ice control and snow removal from school zones before school starts next week.

If possible, please remove any vehicles from the designated streets during this time.

City of Yorkton 1st Priority StreetsSnow Removal 1st Priority Streets

Snow Removal 2nd Priority Map

As the snow is being cleared, sanding and salting operations will follow.

If it is below (-20°C) salting will be spread on the designated areas to ensure safety.

If it is above (-20°C), sanding will be spread on the designated areas to ensure safety.

City employees thank everyone for their patience and kindness as we work together to clean all of this snow. When you see a work zone, please remember to slow down or take an alternate route.

Please remember our crews are doing the best they can to remove snow in a timely manner. Cooperation from residents not only helps the process move along faster, but creates a safe environment for everyone!
