November 15 2021

Initial Presentation to Council

Yorkton residents, Tom Seeley and Terry Pollock, presented to Yorkton City council an idea of lighting up the water tower.

  •  The goal was to guage Council’s initial reaction to the idea
  • Council then referred them to administration to proceed and pursue the feasibility of this idea.

"This can be a year round tourist attraction, visually pleasing. Can be ‘spectacular’ and show off the water tower by brilliantly illuminating it," said Tom Seeley.

*Resolution from Council - For the City Manager's office to work with the presenters to continue with this project.

January 20 2022

City Representatives met with Tom Seeley and Terry Pollock

City Representatives from the Environmental Services, Engineering and Recreation Community Services departments met with Tom and Terry.

Discussion points from that meeting:

    1. Initial discussion with administration regarding some potential concerns, equipment/ poles within the disc golf course, effects of lighting to wildlife/ birds and potential light pollution to nearby residents
    2. Tom and Terry were going to meet with YBID and the Chamber to gain their perspective on this idea. 
    3. Next steps were for administration to take this idea forward to the Environmental committee’s next meeting for discussion.
February 08 2022

Environmental Committee Meeting

  • Environmental committee had similar concerns, with birds and wildlife
  • Look at reaching out to city residents for their perspective.
  • Questions about energy usage and maintenance expenses – support the idea but directed administration to bring forward to the Economic Development Committee. 
  • Councilor’s Brears and Zaharia sit on both committees.
  • “ That the ‘light up the tower’ proposal be taken to the Economic Development Committee for their input and interest in joining the Environmental Committee as a stakeholder to this idea”
March 17 2022

Economic Development Committee Meeting

Economic Committee put forward committee members to sit on the light up the tower committee 

Developed committee from Economic Development and Environmental Committee

June 15 2022

Light up Tower Committee Meeting

  • Concerns
  • Gather further ideas and cost estimates
January 11 2023

Light up Tower Committee Meeting

  • To proceed with community feedback
  • Further develop ideas
July → August 2024

Necessary maintenance done on water tower

August 2024

Donor was confirmed for Light Up the Tower project