Light Up the Water Tower

Exciting news Yorkton, now that necessary maintenance work on the water tower has been completed, the Light Up the Water Tower Project is underway.

The idea was introduced to Yorkton City Council in 2021 by a committee of members/volunteers, as a way to beautify the city. It was approved in principle by Council and also discussed at two of the City of Yorkton's advisory committees (Economic Development Committee and Environmental Committee). The project also received support in principle from the Chamber of Commerce and Yorkton Business Improvement District.

The project will entail installation of posts and lighting equipment at four corners around the water tower. The lighting is controllable and very focused, creating no spill past the structure or into the sky above. The lighting will be projected on to the tower from four (4) corners, not affixed to the tower. The installation will not interfere with the Disc Golf Course.

Thanks to a private donor, the equipment and installation is fully funded. The installation of the lights will be become the property of the city, under its care and control after the project is complete. Installation is set to occur and be completed in late fall 2024.

Policy on lighting would align with the City's current processes (i.e. lighting would remain relatively consistent and special request to change the lighting to support thing like proclamations, are not permitted).

We want to thank the private donor for covering the costs of equipment and installation to help beautify the city.

How to participate:

  • Post questions you may have on our Q&A section.

Exciting news Yorkton, now that necessary maintenance work on the water tower has been completed, the Light Up the Water Tower Project is underway.

The idea was introduced to Yorkton City Council in 2021 by a committee of members/volunteers, as a way to beautify the city. It was approved in principle by Council and also discussed at two of the City of Yorkton's advisory committees (Economic Development Committee and Environmental Committee). The project also received support in principle from the Chamber of Commerce and Yorkton Business Improvement District.

The project will entail installation of posts and lighting equipment at four corners around the water tower. The lighting is controllable and very focused, creating no spill past the structure or into the sky above. The lighting will be projected on to the tower from four (4) corners, not affixed to the tower. The installation will not interfere with the Disc Golf Course.

Thanks to a private donor, the equipment and installation is fully funded. The installation of the lights will be become the property of the city, under its care and control after the project is complete. Installation is set to occur and be completed in late fall 2024.

Policy on lighting would align with the City's current processes (i.e. lighting would remain relatively consistent and special request to change the lighting to support thing like proclamations, are not permitted).

We want to thank the private donor for covering the costs of equipment and installation to help beautify the city.

How to participate:

  • Post questions you may have on our Q&A section.

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