Is the Terminal Building Replacement project a possible step towards getting passenger planes?

    At this time, Yorkton does not have any scheduled flights. A new Airport Terminal Building might hopefully attract a scheduled air service to Yorkton. Currently, charter flights are available through the following companies at the Yorkton Regional Airport: Leading Edge Aviation, Good Spirit Air Service, and Heli-Lift International.

    Why does the Terminal Building need replacing?

    The terminal building, which is a holdover from the construction of the original war-time airport, is well past its useful life. The terminal building was identified for replacement in a third-party report from 2010.

    Where is the Terminal Building being constructed?

    The new building will be constructed directly behind (south of) the existing building to ensure ongoing airport operations.

    Will the construction of the Terminal Building have disruptions to any of the airport operations?

    There are no planned disruptions to any of the airport’s operations during construction.