Design and Pre-Construction Timeline
January 8, 2020
Pre-construction service interviews were conducted by the Project team.
January 14, 2020
PCL Construction retained on January 14, 2020 as an advisory to the Project team.
January 28, 2020
On January 28, 2020 the first full project team meeting was held, including
- Meeting with the Planning, Building and Development Department to identify potential site requirements.
- General building systems discussion and direction – build it right to prevent ongoing maintenance issues in the long run.
- Future planning for summer ice usage – dehumidification system
- New ice plant in a location away from the public
March 4, 2020
The second project meeting was held on March 4, 2020. During this meeting, a conceptual plan was provided to user groups for comment. Meetings included:
- Yorkton Minor Hockey
- Recreational Hockey
- Yorkton AAA Midget Maulers
- Yorkton Terriers
- Officials
- Figure Skating Club was invited, but could not attend
Part of this session included a walk-through of the new dressing room, created in the Flexi-hall with masking tape on the floor. Adjustments were requested by the group, asking for the rooms to be more squared.
March 26, 2020
A third project meeting was slated for late March, which was to be more public in nature. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the team to reassess the project and how it would be released to the community. Virtual Project meetings were co-ordinated using the platform Zoom, a video conferencing application for computers and portable devices.
May 11, 2020
Administration, along with the consultant team consisting of Mitch Strocen from aodbt Architecture and Interior Design and Darren Mountenay from PCL Construction, presented their design to date and invited feedback and direction from Yorkton City Council. Direction was given to continue with the design and engagement process as originally planned to ensure the final design will meet the community’s needs.
June 3, 2020
A virtual re-engagement session was held with the user groups that participated in the initial user group input sessions. The purpose of the meeting was to review more detailed concepts that resulted from the previous user group input sessions.
June 8 through July 3, 2020
A virtual Open House was developed by the consultant team which consisted of 5 videos. Four of the videos walked people through the proposed design of the various components of the proposed development. The 5th video provided a representation on what the construction timeline could look like through a 4D modelling video that showed how the work would be completed.
The videos were placed on the City’s YouTube channel with promotion completed on the City’s social media platforms along with traditional paper promotions to encourage people to view the videos and provide feedback to a feedback email address. Further, A Q&A was developed from the feedback and placed on the City’s website through the entire virtual Open House timeline.
June 19, 2020
A virtual input session was held with Gallagher Centre and Kinsmen Arena staff to receive input and feedback on the design to date.
August 24, 2020
The final 33% design was presented to Yorkton City Council for feedback and input with direction given to Administration to bring the final 33% design and estimated cost to the open portion of the September 14, 2020 Council meeting.
September 14, 2020
The final 33% design and estimated cost is presented to City Council to provide further direction on the project. The estimated cost was $22,000,000. Council referred the Gallagher Centre Renewal Project discussions to a future strategic planning session of Council. The purpose of that discussion will be to revisit and clarify the scope of the project and bring options forward to an open Council meeting in 2021 in conjunction with high level budget estimates.
April 19, 2021
Mitch Strocen of aodbt architecture + interior design attended a Council Committee of the Whole meeting to inform discussions considering the Gallagher Centre Renewal Project. Before proceeding with a decision for the Gallagher Centre Renewal Project, Council was interested in receiving more information about what it would take to have the Kinsmen Arena continue to operate as an ice arena for an additional 15 years. A review of the existing ice making equipment and systems was required to inform that discussion. This was not previously completed as the decision to relocate the community’s second ice surface to the Gallagher Centre was based on the age and condition of the entire facility.
April 26, 2021
Council formally passed a motion to proceed to get more detailed assessment and costing on repairing the mechanical/building systems for the Kinsmen Arena. The intent was to obtain a consultant opinion of the condition and cost estimates to ensure that the ice plant and related mechanical/building systems could support ice for the next 15 years. Council approved a budget of $50,000 for Administration to hire specialized consultants to provide this info back to Council.
At this juncture, Council decided to proceed with specific upgrades at both arenas. Information on the Kinsmen Arena Ice Systems Upgrade Project and the Westland Arena Ice Plant Upgrades can be found at
Consultation has concluded